ôˈgəst August 

6 - 20 August 2024

It’s been one of the hottest summers in decades. (With god-to-be-real global warming, the upcoming summers are sure to break more records) And now the Paris Olympics, American presidential debacle, and Middle East apocalypse have just made it even hotter.

It's time to cool the temperature down. So, ice up and Chill with BANK’s summer group show,  ôˈgəst August , a complete art and movie guide to beating the summer heat!


First stop, summer vacation in rural Northern Italy with your hot summer lover in Call Me By Your Name, 2017. Miguel Ángel Payano Jr.'s Gentle Lips with two kissing peaches. Elio and T-H-E P-E-A-C-H. Watch the movie, you’ll know what I’m talking about. Summer is always the perfect season for something hot, sexy, furry, and sweet.

Still Hot? How about visiting Sicilia with The White Lotus Season 2, 2022? Murderer stories never fail to bring goosebumps. Does the boat in Tim Crowley’s Untitled remind you of something? I can’t talk about what’s here, or it’s gonna be a HUGE spoil alert. As a funeral follows death, let’s end this chapter with Duyi Han’s installation, Dopamine Lamp, 2023, inspired by customary Chinese funeral decor. But for this funerary object, lyrics from Billie Ellish’s My Strange Addiction replace traditional mantras.

The Florida Project, 2017, is a story of innocence, friendship, and adventure in a place where summer never ends. Zheng Haozhong’s FLORIDA·USA series depicts the idyllic natural side of Florida, but it can also represent the pink Motel where Moonee and her young mom, Halley, live. Liao Guohe’s Elephant Girl Riding on Fruits reminds us of the fantastical side of childhood, where imagination reigns supreme. It also can stand in for Halley’s way of providing food and shelter for her little family and finding joy even when life is difficult.

Geng Yini’s quadriptych painting Intense Sea mirrors the plot of Le Meraviglie, in which two little girls in the throes of summer try to find a path to freedom away from their overbearing family. A hilarious scene in Kikujiro, where a man wears a watermelon on his head, pairs wellwith Cai Zebin’s early work, Watermelon Man. The melancholic (500) Days of Summer, a story of the impossibility of true love, is reflected in Cheng Xinyi’s Night Tub and Ching Ho Cheng’s isolated Palmetto shadow gouache on paper.
Wherever you are this summer make sure to beat the heat with this sunny Movie and art guide!


Please check the following "Documents" section for the full summer show guide.


It’s been one of the hottest summers in decades. (With god-to-be-real global warming, the upcoming summers are sure to break more records) And now the Paris Olympics, American presidential debacle, and Middle East apocalypse have just made it even hotter.

It's time to cool the temperature down. So, ice up and Chill with BANK’s summer group show, ôˈgəst AUGUST, a complete art and movie guide to beating the summer heat!


First stop, summer vacation in rural Northern Italy with your hot summer lover in Call Me By Your Name, 2017. Miguel Ángel Payano Jr.’s Gentle Lips with two kissing peaches. Elio and T-H-E P-E-A-C-H. Watch the movie, you’ll know what I’m talking about. Summer is always the perfect season for something hot, sexy, furry, and sweet.

Still Hot? How about visiting Sicilia with The White Lotus Season 2, 2022? Murderer stories never fail to bring goosebumps. Does the boat in Tim Crowley’s Untitled remind you of something? I can’t talk about what’s here, or it’s gonna be a HUGE spoil alert. As a funeral follows death, let’s end this chapter with Duyi Han’s installation, Dopamine Lamp, 2023, inspired by customary Chinese funeral decor. But for this funerary object, lyrics from Billie Ellish’s My Strange Addiction replace traditional mantras.

The Florida Project, 2017, is a story of innocence, friendship, and adventure in a place where summer never ends. Zheng Haozhong’s FLORIDA·USA series depicts the idyllic natural side of Florida, but it can also represent the pink Motel where Moonee and her young mom, Halley, live. Liao Guohe’s Elephant Girl Riding on Fruits reminds us of the fantastical side of childhood, where imagination reigns supreme. It also can stand in for Halley’s way of providing food and shelter for her little family and finding joy even when life is difficult.

Geng Yini’s quadriptych painting Intense Sea mirrors the plot of Le Meraviglie, 2014, in which two little girls in the throes of summer try to find a path to freedom away from their overbearing family. A hilarious scene in Kikujiro, 1999, where a man wears a watermelon on his head, pairs well with Cai Zebin’s early work, Watermelon Man. The melancholic (500) Days of Summer, 2009, a story of the impossibility of true love, is reflected in Cheng Xinyi’s Night Tub and Ching Ho Cheng’s isolated Palmetto shadow gouache on paper.

Wherever you are this summer make sure to beat the heat with this sunny Movie and art guide!

千载难逢的酷暑到来了。 (实际上,在全球变暖之下未来的夏天也会不断将此记录打破)而发生在这个夏天的巴黎奥运会、美国大选的惨状和中东末日般的局势都一同加剧了这份炎热。

是时候降降温了。现在,请跟随 BANK 的夏季群展 “bā yuè 八月" 一同感受沁人心脾的冰凉吧!我们准备了消暑特供——艺术与电影指南!

倒计时 3……2……1

第一站,我们来到意大利北部乡村,愿你的夏日假期如《请以你的名字呼唤我》(2017)一样,被两情相悦的悸动填满。米格尔·安赫尔·帕亚诺(Miguel Ángel Payano Jr.)的作品《轻轻的》描绘了互相亲吻的桃子,是否让你联想到电影中Elio品尝桃子的画面?去看电影,你会明白我说的。夏天总是最适合来点热辣、性感、毛茸茸和甜美的东西。

依然觉得燥热?那么跟随《白莲花度假村第二季》(2022)去一趟西西里如何?命案故事总是会让人背脊发凉。柯好理(Tim Crowley)作品中的小船或许会让你想起剧中某段情节……我不能再透露更多了,“致命”剧透让人扫兴。而死亡总是与葬礼相伴,于是韩笃一的装置作品《多巴胺灯》(Dopamine Lamp,2023 ),将用它极具殡葬特点的外观来收束本章。尽管这件“殡仪用品”使用了比莉·艾利什(Billie Ellish)My Strange Addiction中的歌词替代了经文用以超度。


耿旖旎的四联作品《密集的海》似乎呼应了电影《奇迹》(2014)的情节,两个小女孩在夏日的悸动中,试图找到一条远离其独断家庭的自由之路。《菊次郎的夏天》(1999)中男子头戴西瓜的滑稽场景与蔡泽滨的早期作品《西瓜》相映成趣。程心怡的作品《Night Tub》和郑庆和(Ching ho Cheng)以水粉绘制的孤然棕榈树,仿佛在讲述《和莎莫的500天》(2009)中那段无法成真的爱情故事。


Featuring Artist 参与艺术家

Austin Lee 奥斯汀•李, Cai Zebin 蔡泽滨, Cheng Xinyi 程心怡, Ching Ho Cheng 郑庆和, Duyi Han 韩笃一, Fang Wei 方巍, Geng Yini 耿旖旎, Liao Guohe 廖国核, Michael Lin 林明弘, Miguel Angel Payano Jr. 米格尔•安赫尔•帕亚诺, Peter McDonald 彼得•麦克唐, Robin F. Williams 罗宾•威廉姆斯, Tim Crowley 柯好理, Zheng Haozhong 郑皓中

Summer Movie List 夏日电影推荐

Call Me By Your Name 请以你的名字呼唤我,2017

Le Meraviglie 奇迹,2014

The White Lotus Season 2 白莲花度假村第二季,2022

The Florida Project, 2017 佛罗里达乐园,2017

A Summer's Tale 夏天的故事,1996

(500) Days of Summer 和莎莫的500天,2009

Kikujiro 菊次郎的夏天,1999