Chen Tianzhuo @Le Château – Centre d’Art Contemporain et du Patrimoine d’Aubenas, France

Group Exhibition: J’ai pleuré devant la fin d’un manga

Tianzhuo Chen's video work 19:53  is featured in the exhibition "J’ai pleuré devant la fin d’un manga (I cried at the end of a manga)" at Le Château – Centre d’Art Contemporain et du Patrimoine d’Aubenas. Curated by the duo CRO (Félicien Grand d'Esnon & Alexis Loisel-Montambaux), the exhibition features artistic worlds shaped by the manga cultures and visual styles of seven international artists: Julien Ceccaldi, Tianzhuo Chen, Natacha Donzé, Ram Han, Youri Johnson, Rachel Maclean, Ad Minoliti.


Combined with Le Château's unique architecture, each room in the exhibition becomes a gateway to worlds populated by manga avatars, magical chimeras and folktale characters. The artists shown explore relationships with multiple selves and navigations of reality through contemporary deities shifting between dimensions and cultures. Their art visualises how we rely on our imaginations, combined with multiple forms of digital and tangible media, to create, inhabit, and escape into multiple realms expanding or protecting ourselves from reality at large.

November 15, 2024
of 132