AUJIK 奥吉卡 Sweden

AUJIK was initiated in 2001 by Swedish artist Stefan Larsson. Larsson has an MFA from Umea art academy and been living in outside of Kyoto, Japan for the last 10 years. He mainly works with CG animation, but also 3D printed sculptures, installations, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, clothes, paintings, photos, text, sound and music.


For AUJIK, nature is divided into Refined and Primitive nature. This separation presents a conflict that is the root of all chaos in the world, and in order to reach a sublime state, AUJIK generates rituals to harmonize the organic and synthetic realms. Refined nature consists of evolved technology such as robotics, artificial intelligence, cybernetics, DNA manipulations, and body enhancements. The Primitive includes fauna, flora, and the Earth itself with its precious stones, minerals, and metals. Through crossbreeds of biotic and technological systems, AUJIK’s animism for the Digital Age presents new possibilities for evolution and strives for Post-Human nirvana.


AUJIK’s multi-media works have been showcased and awarded in galleries, museums, and festivals worldwide including the Prix Ars Electronica 2011, OneDotZero London BFI 2011/2013/2016, SIGGRAPH Asia, CMoDA Beijing, Biwako Biennale 2012, 2014, 2018, Japan Media Arts Festival 2010, 2015, 'Death is your Body' Frankfurter Kunstverein 2014, Co-workers, Museum of Modern Art, Paris 2016, Oberhausen film festival. Turku art museum, Finland (solo exhibition) 2018. Currently working on an AR exhibition with STRP biennale in Eindhoven 30 June – 30 October.