Polit-Sheer-Form Office: Individualized Together, Polit-Sheer-Form in Taipei

Polit-Sheer-Form Office, 2015
Publisher: BANK.

ISBN: 960104018478

Dimensions: 19 x 25

pages: 142

BANK is pleased to announce the publication of the artist PSFO(Polit-Sheer-Form Office)'s catalogue "Individualized Together, Polit-Sheer-Form in Taipei" as a companion publication to PSFO's solo exhibition "Individualized Together, Polit-Sheer-Form in Taipei".


PSFO proposes to bridge the gap between the latent collective ideology with the individualistic social reality through art. Through the expansion of a collective identity, the group converses with the past and the future by replacing "I" with "we", forming a collective art group by hiding the individual self. To foster a collective identity and sense of intimacy, the five artists brainstorm, read, and play together to communicate the idea that "form" is "content" and express psychological content through pure behavior.