Xu Bing: Floor Script: From Point To Point

Xu Bing, 2012
Publisher: BANK.

ISBN: 9787549513697

Dimensions: 21.7 × 14.8

pages: 128

Can't read this book? Book From the Sky? Wrong! The name of this book is Book from the Ground! World-renowned Chinese artist Xu Bing has been working for seven years to produce another book after his classic Book From the Sky


Book from the Ground - From Point to Point is a book written in all kinds of sign languages and symbols, which records the typical life of a modern white-collar worker twenty-four hours a day in a fascinating way. In a sense, it is a peculiar work. After seven years of collecting materials, conceptualising, experimenting, rewriting, adjusting, overturning and starting over, artist Xu Bing's initial inspiration has finally been transformed into a full-fledged work of culture and art. This is a reading book that does not use any traditional text, and a book that does not need to be translated wherever it is published. Regardless of cultural background and language spoken, this book can be read by anyone with contemporary life experience.