AUJIK's video work “Spatial Bodies" has been acquired by the Shenzhen Museum of Contemporary Art and Urban Planning (MOCAUP)

BANK is pleased to announce that AUJIK's video work Spatial Bodies: Shenzhen & Hong Kong has been acquired into the collection of the Shenzhen Museum of Contemporary Art and Urban Planning (MOCAUP)
Spatial Bodies depicts the urban landscape and architectural bodies as an autonomous living and self-replicating organism, domesticated and cultivated only by its own nature. Vast concrete vegetation oscillates between order and chaos. The video is inspired by the Japanese metabolism architecture movement in the ‘60s and architects such as Kenzo Tange and Kiyonori Kikutake as well as cubist paintings by Marcel Duchamp and Georges Braque. Another aspect of the video is to present future possibilities with AR technology - how to customize a whole city and share it as an open source and to let other people to manipulate and hack it.
December 17, 2024
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