Heidi Voet @ S.M.A.K, Belgium

Group Show "How Beautiful It Is and How Easily It Can Be Broken"

BANK is pleased to announce Heidi Voet‘s participation in How Beautiful It Is and How Easily It Can Be Broken, curated by Wim Lambrecht, opening at S.M.A.K. in Ghent, Belgium on June 23rd and continues through October 1st. Lambrecht’s interest in the ephemeral and in transient and temporary art forms is the starting point for this exhibition, in which Heidi Voet will show A whole new world a go-go, a mixed media installation created in 2008 which utilizes Chinese erotic magazines and construction material.


In A whole new world a go-go, Voet appropriates erotic “fine art photography” magazines found on newsstands in Shanghai then folds them, as Japanese origami, to form bouquets of flowers. These nude women’s status as symbols of desire is re-deployed as their symbolic equivalent - flowers. Voet’s flowers are presented in a vessel carved from cinder blocks. This masculine construction material and perhaps referent to China’s massive urbanization efforts is feminized by both the flowers that inhabit it and the sleek historical forms that Voet shapes them into. 
