Patty Chang @ SFMOMA, USA

Group Exhibition “What Matters: A Proposition in Eight Roomst”
Patty Chang's 2-channel video Que Sera Sera / Invocations (2013) has entered the permanent collection of SF MoMA, and was shown in the exhibition What Matters: A Proposition in Eight Rooms. This artwork engages with her father's death and the birth of her son. Delving into inquiries surrounding life and art, Patty Chang's Que Sera Sera / Invocations, alongside contributions from artists like Yoko Ono, Guadalupe Maravilla, and Deana Lawson, delves into themes of celebration, mourning, and transcendence. Organized as interconnected episodes over time, the exhibition encourages viewers to immerse themselves in the artists' examination of loss and the visual expressions that unfold, forming a nuanced and intricate composition on the concepts of life and freedom.
2023.04.26 - 2023.04.30
of 143