Ma Daha 马大哈 China

Ma Daha is a collective of young filmmakers, artists and musicians led by the artist couple Ma Dexin and Ma Hou. The inspiration for their diverse artistic practice stems from the reality of the member’s mundane day jobs (in wedding salons, design firms and tofu packaging plants), and also from their disillusionment with globalization, especially socialism with Chinese characteristics, as well as an unyielding appreciation for the American free jazz maestro, Sun Ra, whose purported visit to the planet Saturn, wild music, cosmic philosophy and worship of garlic continues to fascinate Ma Daha members.


Ma Daha has been exhibiting since 2006 their installation, video and site-specific intervention work (mostly project-based) internationally, including MoCA Shanghai, V-ART Center Shanghai, Thomas Erben Gallery NYC.


They work and live now in Changsha.