- Wenjue 文爵 , Bitter Love / Pitted Dove / Paramita 苦涩的爱我 / 甜蜜的讨厌我 / 波罗蜜多, 2023
- Wenjue 文爵 , Ludus Augustus 王的游戏, 2023
- Wenjue 文爵 , Genealogy Study of International Friendly Gestures: Oh,Summer nights~~ Please,Take stars from afar and rain it over on me… 国际友好手势谱系研究:漫⻓的夏夜~~请从远方,把星光朝我倾泻…, 2023
- Wenjue 文爵 , ! ɐɹodɯəʇ O !代时哦, 2023
- Wenjue 文爵 , Truth Orr Dare 「????????~~????~~????~~Ain’t No Stone Under Those Skin, Nor Meat Under Those Cloth」 真心话大冒险「⻛在吹~~吹~~吹 ~~皮肤下面没有石头,布下面也不仅仅是肉」, 2023
- Wenjue 文爵, Genealogy Study of International Friendly Gestures: Clotho: That One Thousand And One Thousand Ten Thousand Ten Thousand Thousand Plateaux, Flosses reflected in their eyes...And on those flosses hang millions of galaxy......But life goes on~~~ 国际友好手势谱系研究:, 2023
- Wenjue 文爵 , The Professional 专业人士, 2023
- Wenjue 文爵 , Water Reflects The Rythem Movement on Your Face Answers The Voices of The Star 水面上映照出你的脸庞上的毛孔呼吸频率呼应着天上星星的声音, 2023
- Wenjue 文爵 , LaughTale 鸦妈妈啊为啥叫,丫丫唱着螺旋调,暗夜月光晶晶耀,目光比它更奇妙,四个魔王逆着道,只有嘴角向上翘,要是眼睛看不到,耳朵也能做依靠,风儿哭泣呼呼啸,水花唱歌哗哗笑,乖小孩呦别心跳,看到听到不重要,手里握着有回报。, 2023
Wenjue 文爵 , ! səɹoW O
!尚⻛哦, 2023 - Wenjue 文爵 , D'Orpheus 迪·俄尔普斯, 2023
- Wenjue 文爵 , Genealogy Study of International Friendly Gestures: Whispers: Sink the Pulsation of the temple into the wrist, and lift the deep heartbeat to the ear..... 国际友好手势谱系研究:呓语: 把太阳穴的跳动沉入手腕中,将 深沉的心跳提升到耳朵上......, 2023
- Wenjue 文爵 , Genealogy Study of International Friendly Gestures: Viens,Mon Amour:????????☝️☝️????????????????????????????????,Center surrounded by countless Marginals,Happily Happily Ever After Lampyridae 国际友好手势谱系研究:我们来,我的爱人:中间往上,上面往下,下面往左, 左面往右,右面的右是中心,被无数边缘包裹的中心,快活, 2023
Wenjue 文爵 , 「LA Divina Commedia: Kabuki」(O tempora ! O mores !)
「神曲:表演者」(哦,時代!哦,風尚!), 2023 - Wenjue 文爵 , 「LA Divina Commedia:Public」 (Vortex) 「神曲:觀者」(漩 渦), 2023
- Wenjue 文爵 , 「LA Divina Commedia:Director&Scriptwriter」(Pardon、U crushedmy arm ) 「神曲:導演與劇作家」(抱歉你壓到我胳膊了), 2023
- Wenjue 文爵 , Ornithologist ⻦类学家, 2023
- Zhang Yibei 张移北, I Gnawed the Stainless Steel Wrench with My Missing Teeth 我用我缺失的牙齿将不锈钢扳子啃食, 2022
- Zhang Yibei 张移北, At the pinnacle of despair 身处绝望之巅 , 2021
- Zhang Yibei 张移北 , Vase 花瓶/未命名, 2021
- Zhang Yibei 张移北, Sophia Sophia, 2023
- Zhang Yibei 张移北 , Sophia Sophia, 2023
BANK is pleased to participate in this year's ART021 Shanghai Contemporary Art Fair at Booth D02 in the DOME with Wenjue and Zhang Yibei's two-person exhibition.
This time, Wenjue presents a series of new paintings, with "Wunderkammer" as the theme, which is from a story whose origin has not been found. It is about a wooden house in the forest. Travelers will pass by and temporarily live here. Tramps, hunters, pilgrim monks, expelled politicians, a down-and-out nobleman who accidentally committed murder and escaped in fear of crime...all kinds of people gathered here one after another. People are here ◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️.This room seems to be infinitely expandable. She uses invisible tentacles to lay out ◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️ paths to attract people into this space.
Meanwhile, Zhang Yibei will present her sentimental installation. Titled I Gnawed the Stainless Steel Wrench with My Missing Teeth, the work connects poison bait stations, spring bamboo shoots, lotus roots, quilts, bicycle tires, copper pots, kettles, heating finned radiators, and underground water supply pipes. These hidden or exposed materials that constitute urban life will be regrouped in the exhibition hall to show my struggle with "hunger." In addition, new works of Zhang Yibei's Sophia series will also be featured in the booth.
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